“Züppe, Avare ve Parçalanmaz Akış” - Betonart Interview

In this rich interview with Gökhan Kodalak, co-founding partner of ABOUTBLANK, a number of peculiar trajectories are discussed in relation with architecture, including but not limited to: open-source architecture; sociological problematic of structure and agency in built enviroment; modernist architects as Baudelairian dandy and flaneur figures; entanglement of architectural history, theory and practice; paradigmatic developments of contemporary architecture; affective capabilities of built environment; and architectural affects in horror movies directed by Polanski, Hitchcock and Kubrick.

Date: Summer 2015
Type: interview
Program: publication, press
Interviewee: Gökhan Kodalak
Guest Editors: Yelta Köm, Erdem Tüzün
Journal: Betonart Magazine
Issue: Issue 46, pp.24-29
Location: Istanbul, Turkey
Status: Published
Link: https://issuu.com/aboutblank-istanbul/docs/gk_-_zuppe_avare_betonart__2015_