Lüleburgaz Bus Terminal Station

The project is located on the edge of the town, and provides to the public a stable connection to Istanbul. In function and form, the building sits on its own, and has no connection to the town itself. Our proposal translates this by applying a pavilion archetypology, which in turn promotes free-flowing circulation for passengers and ease of access for buses. These pavilions would provide services, which would be enclosed by an intermediate area. This area would be protected by a free form roof, which holistically ties the building together by floating above the pavilions, and is pierced by light and green spaces to provide waiting passengers with a pleasant interior atmosphere...

Date: April 2013
Type: National Competition
Program: Masterplan
Size: 1,200 m²
Client: Lüleburgaz Municipality
Partners: Ozan Özdilek
Collaborators: Beyza Derbentoğulları, Marcin Myjak, Ece Sıla Bora, Osman Mürsel Ural, Hasan Sıtkı Gümüşsoy, Gökhan Kodalak
Location: Lüleburgaz, Turkey
Status: 3rd Place
Demand: Provide a new design for the township’s outdated central bus terminal