Kayabaşı Housing - Rhizome

The Project denies the center-periphery dichotomy and goes after a rhizomatic setup which consists of quantitattive collective social/ recreational focal points. This system is further strengthenend with capillary recreational spines and fragmented circulation systems.

Topography and daylight sensitivity play important roles for the positioning of the housing blocks. Ecological strategies are handled on the building scale and subsystems can be named as; green terrace and internal public voids, natural sunlight energy conversion and the usage of purified rainwater.

The other principles of the project can be summed up as flexible modular context, economical construction principles and interactive facade setup. 10 modular building blocks which are obtained through the customization of 3 main modules (X,Y,K) are designed to answer the demand of different densities of living.

Date: May 2009
Type: National idea competition
Program: Housing
Size: 225000 m²
Client: toki; republic of turkey prime ministry, housing development administration of turkey
Collaborators: Gökhan Kodalak, Tuğce Akbay
Location: Kayabaşı, İstanbul, Turkey
Status: 1st price (equivalent)
Demand: A housing design project-that shall be flexible enough to be reconfigured on different areas on the periphery of Istanbul.