İzmir Kemeraltı Urban Canopy

The Project does not remain true to the demanded location on the macro level, it collects the missing pieces throughout the bazaar texture to fulfill its continuity and flows outside the bazaar so that it can set the important relationship between the Aegean Sea and the Historical Bazaar itself.

Urban canopy is designed through assembling 6 different sized modules (3 variations of A, and 3 variations of B triangulated modules) Big sized modules are used to pass over wide opennings in streets and squares, while the small sized modules are used to adapt the project to the irregular urban texture of the bazaar. The potential spaces for the urban canopy in the bazaar are woven this way in a parametric fashion.

the Poles, the structures of the urban canopy, are carried further from their base function, and named as multi-functional poles. They are designed with a plug-in setup with which they have the potential to add to their arsenal visual boards, illumination elements, trash bins, benches, audiovisual elements, recreational elements, commercial boxes etc.

Date: July 2008
Type: National Urban Design Idea Competition
Program: Masterplan, Infrastructure
Client: Izmir Municipality
Partners: Hasan Gümüşsoy, Erhan Vural, Gökhan Kodalak, Ozan Özdilek
Location : Izmir, Kemeraltı, Turkey
Status : 1st price (equivalent)
Demand : A unifying canopy design throughout the -renovation planned- historical Kemeraltı Bazaar texture.