Hisarüstü Housing - Social Sandwich

The Project is situated on the slopes of Hisarüstü, İstanbul with a beautiful vista of the Bosphorus. In order to maximize the use of topograhical layout, the Project consists of sandwiched socio-physical layers those of which present rich interactions with the three dimensional surroundings.
The sandwich layers consist of; (1) the topographical underground layer which is used as carpark and commnal services, (2) the topographical ground layer which is the common circulation space, (3) the housing layer which allows semi-private neighbourhood interactions and (4) the topographical canopy layer which allows optimum use of natural light and air circulation.

Date : March 2007
Type : Student competition
Program : Residential
Size : 15.000 m²
Client : Tucsa, Borusan Mannesmann
Collaborators : Erhan Vural, Gökhan Kodalak, Ozan Özdilek, Hasan Gümüşsoy
Location : Istanbul, HisarüstüTurkey
Status : 3rd price
Demand : Low-rise housing design with the innovative use of steel structure.