“Gezi and Imagining new Milieus” - Direnişi Düşünmek

The importance of Gezi Event in Taksim, Istanbul, has been a sudden creation of, not concrete structural realities, but a myriad of new possibilities. This is a shared trait among revolutionary events, as they suddenly make possible, what was assumed impossible before.
This article is an analysis of the ecological, spatial and political dimensions of Gezi Event. It is simultaneously an attempt to theorize these possibilites in order to imagine;
(1) a new ecological milieu which abandons nostalgic, pastoral and cosmetic illusions, and instead develops a generative hybridization of industrial, natural and urban environments,
(2) a new spatial milieu which abandons the self-proclaimed absolute authority of administrative and architectural experts leading to hierarchical and exclusionary decision-making processes, and instead develops participatory frameworks empowering all the spatial actors (inhabitants, users, architects, clients, administrators etc.) to shape their living environment through collective platforms,
(3) a new political milieu which abandons dichotomic otherizing apparatuses and exploitative hegemonic structures, and instead develops egalitarian and liberatory frameworks of the multitude based on the heterarchical organization of their particular difference.

Book: Direnişi Düşünmek: 2013 Taksim Gezi Olayları
Author: Gökhan Kodalak
Other Authors: Alain Badiou, Slavoj Zizek, Jean-Luc Nancy, Bernard Stiegler, Jacob Rogozinski
Date: July 2013
Program: publication, press
Client MonoKL
Location: Istanbul, Turkey
Status: Published
Link: https://issuu.com/aboutblank-istanbul/docs/gk-gezi-_2013_